Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Networking for Success

It is never too early to learn the art of networking.

Networking is an essential tool for job seekers. it may be the single most effective way to getting the job of your dreams. Networking is not just a good way to secure jobs; it is a tool that can help you in various aspects of your life, from moving up the corporate ladder to meeting yout future life partner.

You may think you have plenty of time to pick up this all-important skill before you step into the working world. However, cultivating this habit as early as possible can help you make the most out of your connections in college and beyond. Here are a few things you could get started on the network to success.

Build a contact list
Networking is an active, ongoing process in which you identify people who can provide information, advice, and best of all - more contacts! Ways to identify and make new contacts include: 
 Extra-curricular activities. These are great opportunities to make friends from other colleges. You common interest is a good conversation starter, and you can then progress to other topics like study tips and career choices.
Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and online forums which enable you to join common interest groups and make new friends. This is one good way to extend your circle of contacts even if you have not personally met them.
Talking to parents of friends. Working adults are one of the best ways to learn about the various career choices you can make. Finding out first-hand information on a career that you are interested in is better than reading about it in books and websites.

Planning is everything
Once you have identified the various avenues that can present you with opportunities to network, the next step is to target specific individuals for a relationship establishment that can benefit in the long run. To build your self-confidence, you can start with people who are more approachable. 

Preparing to make contact
Once you have made the necessary arrangements, and if they are working in an industry you are interested to join, you should first research that industry, in order to be a potential candidate. Find out more about career challenges, professional development, overall work environment and sources of job satisfaction but avoid asking about the salary range of the jobs on offer.

Follow up
Keep in touch with your contact, occasionally following up with thank-you notes and updates on your career choices. By building long-lasting relationships with your contacts, you would have created a pool of individuals you can later use as referrals to get internships and even jobs. However, ensure you obtain permission from them first.

Ask about vacancies
You may ask your contacts if you are allowed to visit their workplaces, or if you can work part-time there during your semester break to gain some first-hand experience of the industry they work in. If they are still in the company after you have graduated from university, you could even send them a copy of your curriculum vitae to pass on to the hiring manager should there be any suitable openings.

It is never too early to start cultivating the habit of networking, so that it becomes second nature to you by the time you graduate from university. It is a vital skill to have as it may help you land a good job even without sending out a single formal job application. 


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